Now available - FeedTest 2017/18 full fodder season averages and results are now available for download.
Link for download:
For further Information:
Contact: Rick Stadler at FeedTest on 1300 755 464 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
FeedTest has kept testing charges and pricing structure constant for 5 years now, unfortunately though due to increasing laboratory costs a small price rise is necessary in 2017.
FeedTest has kept testing charges static for 5 years, unfortunately due to increasing laboratory costs a small price rise is necessary this year.
FeedTest 2016/17 full fodder season averages and results are now available for download.
The recent commercial development of the Pork CRC’s AusScan Calibration, has resulted in FeedTest no longer being able to absorb the cost of providing these tests at no charge.